Call us on: 01708 440660
Registered Charity No: 303067

Monday Morning Yoga

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Make time for you on a Monday Morning. Do you need to relax your mind? Feeling overwelmed? Having any joint or backaches? Come along and create s little time for you – All abilities Welcome Time: 9.30-10.45am Every Monday For further details please call Heidi on 07956102305...

Tai Chi

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Monday 10.30 am – 12 noon. £10 pay as you go Tai Chi is an ancient Chinese meditative exercise with slow and graceful movements that help you stretch, breath and find balance. Most forms of Tai Chi are very gentle and therefore suitable for everyone. The movements...

National Trust

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We meet at Ardleigh House, Hornchurch. RM11 2LG on the 4th Saturday of each month at 2.30pm. The Meetings start at 2.30pm and last for approximately 1 1/2 hours. At each meeting we have a speaker. Our last meeting of 2023 is on 25th November 2023. Our speaker will be Mark Lewis...

Art & Culture

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Day Time Class Presented by Chris White (25 Years in teaching the subject) To study and discuss various aspects of poetry, music, literature & Art History etc 10 & 12 week courses starting throughout the year Venue: Ardleigh House Community Association, 42 Ardleigh Green...

History of Art

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Evening ClassesPresented by Chris White (25 years experience in teaching the subject) To look at painting and sculpture from the Middle Ages & Renaissance periods to the present day & Modern Art. 10 & 12 week courses starting throughout the year. Venue: Ardleigh...

Spanish Classes

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Beginners Level SPANISH CONVERSATION for BEGINNERS Start Date TBC (please register your interest) Twelve week course  Tutor: Kenneth Pyrah For all beginners lessons the emphasis will be on learning how to hold a simple conversation in a variety of everyday situations. Points of...

iPad Classes

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If you feel as though you’re not getting the most out of your iPad then this class is for you. We work at a gentle pace and cover a range of basic settings to personalise your iPad. We’ll show you how to connect to the internet when you’re away from home. We...


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Yoga Emma Aylott Wednesday 9.45am-11.45am (2 hrs)               You don’t need to be bendy to practice Yoga. If you can breathe then you can do Yoga!   This is a general mixed age and ability class. It includes standing & sitting poses. All participants are encouraged...

Mixed Crafts

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Mixed Crafts No craft classes running at present Friendly classes covering all aspects of hand craft, including 3D decoupage, glass engraving, metal working, chair caning, stained glass for beginners, ergamana, parchment, card making and jewellery making.

Computer Clubs

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We have recently upgraded our computers with the aid of a grant . Come along and see the changes! Thursday We have no computer classes running at present. Please express your interest with the office and when we get enough people to run a class we will contact you. Computer...