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Registered Charity No: 303067

Spanish Classes

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Beginners Level


Start Date TBC (please register your interest)

Twelve week course 

Tutor: Kenneth Pyrah

For all beginners lessons the emphasis will be on learning how to hold a simple conversation in a variety of everyday situations. Points of grammar will be explained. Homework will consist of learning vocabulary and practising material learnt in the lesson.
Students must commit to the whole year. At the end of the year students may progress to study at a higher level.

Intermediate Level One

Tuesday at 12.30 pm
Tutor: Kenneth Pyrah

This is an intermediate class. Students need to have a knowledge of the basic tenses and vocabulary. The emphasis is on conversation for use in everyday situations. Grammar points are explained as necessary.

Intermediate level 2/Advanced Level

Tuesdays at 10:00 am
Tutor: Kenneth Pyrah

Students need to be of at good A level standard or need to have a knowledge of Spanish from travelling to Spain or a good GCSE level

The main content of the class is conversation on a wide variety of topics based on newspaper articles etc. Grammar points are also explained and practised where relevant.
The duration of all the courses outlined above is three terms.

*** All lessons provided by a fully qualified tutor ***